Payment and Delivery Methods



Before finalizing the order process, you will be asked to choose your preferred payment method. You have 5 possible payment methods:


  1. Cash or card, on Delivery

    With that option, the products will be delivered to the requested destination address with a fiscal document, such as fiscal note or invoice. The payment will be given to the agent.

  2. Credit Card – Online Payment

    Credit card billing will not be done by SABON, but via PayU. If you choose to pay for the order with credit card, you will be transferred to the PayU site and you will be requested to fill in the details for the payment method. The form is short and the process is quite time-saving. After finalizing the form, you receive the order and payment confirmation from both SABON, and PayU.

  3. Card, at Easybox location
    With this option, the products are delivered to the Easybox location selected on the Checkout page.
    Payment will be made directly at the Easybox locker.

  4. Cash or card, in stores.
    No additional fees or taxes will be applied!

  5. Revolut Pay
    Select this payment option on the website, scan the QR code and pay the order in one step.